In The Know | BAC Associates Monthly Newsletter

Changes in eyesight as we age are normal, but they don't have to hinder our daily activities. Solutions like glasses, contacts, or improved lighting can help you stay independent and enjoy life fully.

Falling is the most common cause of unintentional injury for older adults. But exercise or physical therapy can help many older adults prevent falls.

Between summer travel plans and making sure to take weather-related precautions, summer can bring its own set of stressors. And if you're over 60, the impacts of stress may be more pronounced than when you were younger. Learn how to conquer anxiety and keep calm with these 6 stress-busting tips.

Frequent difficulty finding the right word can signal changes in the brain consistent with the early stages of Alzheimer's disease – before more obvious symptoms emerge. However, a recent study from the University of Toronto suggests that it's the speed of speech, rather than the difficulty in finding words, that is a more accurate indicator of brain health in older adults.

Brain blips—like losing your keys or forgetting what you walked into a room for—may happen more often as you age. But they may leave you wondering if you’re experiencing something more serious, such as mild cognitive impairment. Here are some scenarios to compare your experiences with and advice on what to do next.

If you struggle with chronic pain, you know all too well how it can get in the way of a restful night’s sleep. Developing healthy sleep hygiene habits can help break this frustrating cycle of sleeplessness.

Whether you have type 2 diabetes or want to prevent chronic disease and optimize your health, there are several lifestyle habits and strategies that can help balance your blood sugar.

From managing finances to planning meals, there are numerous services to support older adults living independently.

We appreciate you! Thank you for recommending us to your friends and family. If you have any questions or concerns about your plan or benefits, please feel free to reach out to us at any time.

Brian and Brendan
BAC Associates
816-974-2679 ext 501

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We choose not to offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer over 68 different products in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.
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BAC Associates, LLC
1402 W Lucy Webb Rd
Raymore, MO 64083-9494

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